Part 4 – Les Paul

Off we go again! After the excitement of the eighties, things began to quieten downand we settled into a routine of making instruments and also began todo a lot of repairs.Eventually we were doing all the guitar repairs for a music shop inDunstable.The recession was beginning to bite and orders began to dry up.Our accountant

Part 3 – America

During this period Ges just could not cope with workingfull time and the amount of guitar work coming in so hedecided to try to make Reeve Guitars a full time business.At that time it certainly looked as though Reeve Guitarscould be a going concern.I had the unenviable task of preparing the accounts readyfor audit when

Part 2 – Alligator

Off we go …… Back to the eighties which, for Reeve Guitars,was a time of excitement and promise.In 1983, we were mentioned by a mutual acquaintance toPete Tulett who at that time was Managing Director ofMusicians Direct Supply Co producing the Alligator P.A.Pete was interested in bringing out an Alligator Guitar andBass to celebrate the

Part 1 – The Beginning

Right here we go.It all started in the late seventies.  Mick had been raring to make a guitar, Ges more reluctant. One day Mick came in to us from school with a piece of beech saying ‘here’s the body’. He had retrieved the lid of a school desk that was being dumped at the school. They were totally inexperienced but this